Summer Essentials For Inside Your Bag

 Going away you might not necessarily take the same things that you would do for your handbag as you would have at home.  At home, your handbag might be filled with anything and everything that you need daily.  However,  when you are on holiday you can't necessarily take everything that you would have in your bag at home.  You should be taken the Bare minimum of essentials that you need while you're away. 

Essentials that you should be packing with you to take for your summer bag on your holiday: 

The Basics 

 The first thing that you need to think about is just the Necessities. You need to think about having a small bottle of water and some cream. You also may want to have an e-juice selection if this is something that you usually carry.  You should also make sure that you Have a small purse with a small amount of money so you're able to buy things on the go and possibly a travel money card so if you need to buy anything else you have it with you. 

A Mini Fan

If you're traveling to a hot country then one of the best things that you can take with you is a portable mini fan. Sometimes being indoors during the summer day can be unbearable but then when you get outside it feels like an absolute nightmare. When you carry a portable mini fan with you you will stop yourself from feeling that.  No longer will you feel cotton sweaty on any public transport you can even take it with you on a flight. You may be surprised by how useful it is to bring something like this with you especially when you're outside and in the sun. 

An Umbrella 

An umbrella comes in handy for two reasons. If it's extremely hot and you have nowhere to get into the shade an umbrella can provide this for you and if it starts to Reign unexpectedly you have it to hand. Having an umbrella to provide you with this shade and protect you from the rain might be just what you need in your summer bag. 


In the middle of summer is almost impossible to be out during the day without wearing sunglasses. If you are traveling abroad for your summer holiday then you don't want to forget to pack these in your bag. Being in the Sun for too long without sunglasses can lead to headaches and it can damage your eyes so you must protect them with some grasses that have UV protection. It's not just about making a fashion statement it's also about protecting yourself from the sun. It's a good idea to make sure that you pack any sunglasses for children as well even if they don't keep them on the whole time if you keep them in your bag you've got them there as and when they need them.

 These are just four of the basics that you should be packing in your handbag for the summer. Do you have any of the essentials that you like to put in yours? Please let us know in the comments below. 


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